Eventide adds Android App for H9 Control – Synth News Digest 17

Welcome to another edition of the TabMuse Synth News Digest. This gives us an opportunity to inform you of a few interesting music technology news and product announcements from the previous weeks. If interested in checking out the last Synth News Digest, simply click on the following link. Eventide releases their H9 Control Android App […]

Samsung hopes to make Android Music Apps Viable

Creating music on an Android device tends to be a frustrating process compared to Apple’s iOS platform. Android music apps like kosm and Common Analog Synthesizer are fun, but the dreaded latency conspires to spoil the process. Samsung hopes to change all that with the release of the Pro-Audio SDK 2.0, which promises low latency […]

Review: kosm, an Experimental Synth App for Android

To get to the point rather quickly, kosm is the most fun I’ve had to date with a music app on the Android platform. Essentially a “gravity sequencer”, kosm’s interface brilliantly leverages the touchscreen and accelerometer to foster a host of experimentation and creativity. And best of all? It’s free! kosm for Android Features Gravity-based […]

Review: Common Analog Synthesizer for Android

The Android music app scene isn’t nearly as robust as its iOS counterpart, and the reasons for which are beyond the scope of this article. One virtual synth app for Android worth checking out is the imaginatively titled: Common Analog Synthesizer. It provides a great sound, familiar synth controls, and the dreaded Android latency issues […]

Review: Tabla for Android

Tabla is a small Android app providing a touchscreen environment for creating Indian-based music centered on the tabla drum. While the app’s sounds and interface are top notch, Tabla suffers from the dreaded Android latency problem. Ultimately, it serves as an interesting escape instead of being useful for real-time music creation. Tabla for Android Features […]

Review: RD4 Groovebox for Android

RD4 Groovebox is a pretty useful beatmaking app on the Android platform. Its effective interface changes based on the device’s orientation (optimized for a 10-inch tablet) with each view emphasizing different aspects of the app’s functionality. While an iOS version of the app was released last September, this review is for the Android version. I […]