Review: Go Semi-Modular with the Make Noise 0-Coast

Ever since watching the synth documentary, I Dream of Wires, analog synthesizers or even a Eurorack system were going to be part of my studio setup. Virtual analog synths from Korg and Waldorf still make their presence known on our recordings, but there’s no denying the superior tactile interface of a synth like the Moog […]

Review: Audulus brings the Modular Synth World to the iPad

iOS musicians interested in exploring modular synthesis on their iPad or iPhone need to check out the excellent app, Audulus. Featuring a clean, state-of-the-art user interface and great sound, Audulus does a nice job of scratching that sound design itch when a desktop or laptop computer running Reaktor isn’t available. A Mac OS X version […]

Moogfest 2014 Intrigues and Inspires

Observing the news from this year’s Moogfest, held once again in Asheville, NC, headquarters of Moog Music, it is obvious that the modular synthesizer revival is coming full circle. At the festival, Moog announced they are reintroducing Keith Emerson’s classic modular unit, used in pretty much every ELP tour since the early 70s. I Dream […]

I Dream of Wires: Hardcore Edition Review

Serving as both a history of the electronic synthesizer and a look at today’s robust modular synth cottage industry, I Dream of Wires: the Hardcore Edition is a must view for any fan of electronic music and analog synthesis. After spending an afternoon watching the entire four-hour movie, I was inspired to check out prices […]