Review: Troublemaker is an Essential TB-303 Clone for iOS

With Rebirth now sadly gone from the iTunes App Store, iOS musicians searching for a new TB-303 clone need to check out Troublemaker. Featuring an authentic, yet flexible sound and a well-designed user interface, this app might be the best 303 option in the iOS universe. It also plays well with Audiobus, Core MIDI, AU, […]

The New Apple iPad pulls me back into iOS Music

The recent introduction of Apple’s new iPad line surprised many industry pundits. With technical specs rivaling the iPad Air 2, but a pricepoint of $329 (32GB) and $429 (128GB), the new iPads appear to be an attempt by Cupertino to prop up its declining tablet computer market. For musicians using the iOS platform – this […]

Welcome to TabMuse

We had hoped to publish TabMuse by the end of year, but over Thanksgiving weekend I sat down and watched the excellent synth documentary, I Dream of Wires. This was the four-hour hardcore edition and after seeing the history of the synthesizer (most of which I already knew) combined with a current view of the […]