If you want a plugin to add life to your boring sample libraries, check out SounDevice Digital Randomachine. It randomly changes a variety of sample parameters, like panning, distortion, and more whenever triggered. Check out the press release and embedded video below to see this unique tool in action.

United Plugins works with SounDevice Digital to quickly make many variants of one sample with monotony-relieving Randomachine
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: independent development teams federation United Pluginsis proud to announce availability of Randomachine as the latest must-have effect plug-in from founding partner SounDevice Digital — duly designed to relieve monotony wherever the need to quickly make many variants of one sample in next to no time arises; no matter if its user is actively involved in film or game sound design, or even making electronic music, laying waste to uniformity and mechanical sterility is all but guaranteed — as of April 15…
Triggering trio
All audio material is not the same, so SounDevice Digitalduly decided that Randomachinecan be triggered by three different TRIGGERsources — namely, TRANSIENT, which, as implied by name, triggers by transients, thereby igniting Randomachine‘s engines with each incoming signal, so sonic hits instantly change the settings of the selected effects; SYNC, synchronises to the project tempo within the host DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), changing the settings of the effects regularly upon whatever interval is set (such as every beat as well as every hi-hat hit, for instance); and MIDI, meaning any MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) note coming from the dedicated source, be that track or controller, can reset Randomachine at any time.
Change is as good as a rest
Randomachine randomly changes multiple parameters in each of its six effects that are always running behind the scenes each time it is triggered, the upshot of this being that every hit differs from the next or last. Thankfully, those six effects are wonderfully varied, comprising DISTORT — randomly changes the distortion or saturation of the audio being processed; PAN (panorama) — randomly changes the panorama (left/right position) of the audio being processed; AMBIENCE — randomly changes the ambience (reverb time and space) of the audio being processed; TIME — randomly changes the timing of the audio being processed; PITCH — randomly changes the pitch of the audio being processed; and FORMANT — randomly changes the formants of the audio being processed (albeit with a caveat of the spectral analysis involved adding latency to the plug-in).
Make many variants of one sample in next to no time
All in all, then, Randomachine has been duly designed to relieve monotony wherever the need to quickly make many variants of one sample in next to no time arises; no matter if its user is involved in film or game sound design, or even making electronic music, laying waste to uniformity and mechanical sterility is all but guaranteed. Get this, though: in keeping with its fellow United Plugins partners’ software siblings, SounDevice Digital‘s Randomachine plug-in provides its users with the maximum audio quality possible thanks to its internal 64- bit audio processing and an ability to handle any sampling rate — reaching 192 kHz or even higher without breaking into a sweat. Similarly, the photorealistic yet flexible (resizable) nature of its GUI (Graphical User Interface) imbues it with impressions of working with real hardware as opposed to being a virtual effect plug-in. Ultimately, United Plugins software smartly manages bypass functionality to ensure that users do not experience any clicks or harmful noises when automating that parameter, and SounDevice Digital‘s Randomachine is no exception to that (written) rule.
Key features:
- Relieves monotony wherever the need to quickly make variants of one sample arises
- All but guaranteed to lay waste to uniformity and mechanical sterility
- Three different — TRANSIENT, SYNC, and MIDI — TRIGGER sources availability
- Randomly changes multiple parameters in six — DISTORT, PAN (panorama), AMBIENCE, TIME, PITCH, and FORMANT — effects
- Every hit differs from the next or the last
- Provides maximum audio quality possible
SounDevice Digital’s Randomachine is available for free from April 15 until April 21, 2024, followed by a time-limited introductory promo price of only €9.00 EUR until May 21, 2024 — rising thereafter to its regular price of €49.00 EUR — as an AAX-, AU-, VST-, and VST3-compatible plug-in (using internal 64-bit audio processing capable of handling any sample rate) directly from its dedicated webpage (https://unitedplugins.com/Randomachine/), where a 15-day, fully-functional trial version for macOS 10.10 and newer and Windows 8/10/11 can also be downloaded for free.
Note that no iLok, dongle, or internet access is required for Randomachine activation. (All United Plugins software uses license files for activation and owners can freely use purchased software — with free-for-life updates — on all their computers, as long as they are the user.)
See and hear Randomachine in action while watching United Plugins’ illuminating introductory video here: